The Society consists of 133 fractional interest Owners that have exclusive use of their lots. The property enjoys many amenities that include a year round Indoor Pool and Spa. The Lodge includes a Kitchen, Large Dining area (for Society gatherings), Library, and Games room. Other Amenities include a Woodworking Room and Multi purpose Room (for everything from Yoga to Pottery). There are two rental rooms available to Society members and their guests. The Park is dog friendly and there is an off leash area.
The Resort has many full time residents and has a “Village” atmosphere. For the most part the Park is self-sufficient with its own domestic and fire water systems and WasteWater Treatment Plant. Back-up electrical power is installed for the use of these systems should there be a failure on the Grid.
The Administration Office is open 9 am to 1 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The address is 134-4354 Hwy 3, Keremeos, B.C. V0X 1N1, and the phone number is